Lesley Harry, 15 – 28 October, 2022

Blown away! My residency at Bristons Veor has been a powerful reminder that there is no substitute for having the time and space and opportunity to observe the natural world. Living on top of Priest’s Cove really heightened my awareness of weather patterns, tidal rhythms, light and time passing. Storms interspersed with glorious sunny intervals with the surf still running high. I became fascinated by the water cascading from the outlying rocks at different states of tide and have a mass of photographs and sketches to work up into mono-prints. Inside, I set up a ‘drawing studio’, and to the soundtrack of the sea and choughs, and set about creating a new repertoire of ink marks which have become a series of small abstracts.  Losing track of time to find oneself.

I took over a 50 fixed point photographs throughout the stay at different states of tide and weather. These are for a series of mono prints planned for the Spring.I hope to exhibit 10/15 new works as part of our ‘Grit’ exhibition at the Penwith Gallery in May 2023.

BV Rocks LH22