Chantal Brooks, 22-29 April 2023
Longships lighthouse beam reaches across the darkness, two full sweeps and then Wolf Rock replies. It’s 2 am and I can’t sleep, I can’t wait till morning to open my eyes and unwrap this gift. I stand outside, the thrum of Ocean and wind. A heaven of starlings, illuminous, The Milky Way, the Plough Orion, all collide in a symphony of twinkling eyes, guided by a waxing moon. While on the edge of the world, lighted ships silently pass by.
Grief, has silenced my practice for years, I’d lost my footing. The residency was a way of experimenting gently with reconnecting to my art practice and to installation.
The rhythm of walking along the cliffs and the ebb and flow of the vast ocean, help still my mind and revealed the fragile connections.
The visceral landscape help to put my racing thoughts into perspective and quiet the voices of doubt. I would like to thank all at Brisons Veor, for all your hard work and for your full support, in helping me achieve what I set out to do. A huge Thank you